Unity is a action that is not accomplished by our own mind but by the mind of God. The body is cleansed in christ and so should it's members. It is by being filled with God's holy spirit that we can walk as a body accomplishing great things. "It is not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord." Each individual walking by the Holy Spirit can walk in the unity of the body of christ. Let us continually remember the Lord's Supper ; To be humbled where no member is greater than the other but as one body we wash one anothers feet. In one body we take part of the same bread(Christ's body) and the same wine( Christ's blood). Christ body and blood was broken and shed for our sins. THEREFORE let us not go back to our old ways but let us honour him in all that we do. ROMANS 8: 3-17 CLICK ON VIDEO