one week before passover I read Luke 2. God showed me the number 12=jesus age 12=authority12 =12 tribes, passover Jesus as a child gone for 3 days,passover Jesus on the cross gone for 3 days. In his life one can see the revelation as Jesus the messiah of the 12 tribes of Israel. The Passover lamb, Amen.
home page con't... It was put in my spirit at the sound of the trumpet of how one day, whether dead or alive, we will all have to give account for our life. At the sound of the trumpet some will wake out of their sleep recalling their character and some will stand knowing their reward. If jesus is not your passover lamb accept him by the holy spirit he calls all to sup with him. It is by his eternal blood we are justified. The Lord poured into my spirit continuously after the trumpet and the ARK vision a bondage breaking revelation. This bondage breaking revelation was of the many nations that are shackled by a idol worshiping spirit. The shackled people know that they are not free ; because the GOD of heaven and earth put in them the gift of the holy spirit. Jesus is the ultimate authority he died on the cross so the world could be saved. The message now is, The spirit will not plead with men always one day all men will be judged; so call out on the lord so he can be found, be free in the name of Jesus. Command with your mouth from your heart that you are free by the blood of Jesus. It is through the pure and Holy passover lamb we are given authority and salvation. Another revelation I received is that God is pouring his healing water and healing water flows from the mountain of God through the land of Africa. God sees the pain and the blood of Africa; and how the enemy would like to destroy the mouth of Africa. Blood flows from the mouth of Africa because of it's injury but God can bring healing and restoration. Ezekiel 35 GOD HEARS all the blasphemes against the mountain of Israel and his covenanted people ; furthermore it says those who choose to be against God's words will be cursed. Ezekiel 36 promises through Jesus God's people will be gathered cleansed and made new.
Josh 3:3 The children of Israel was commanded to follow the priest with the Ark to cross the river Jordan. It was through the Ark of the covenant God's people won battles and walked in God's power. It was promised to man that greater deeds will be done when Jesus our high priest goes to our father in heaven. Through Jesus death the veil in the most holies is torn where the Ark would rest. Now there is no more separation we have full access to God and his power. Amos 9:9 for, lo I will command, and i will sift the house of Israel among all nations,like corn is sift in the sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. 10. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword...
when I think of the trumpet in my vision were all will have to give account for their life, the scripture becomes alive 1 Thess 4:16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in christ shall rise first.(read above on the trumpet)
home page con't... It was put in my spirit at the sound of the trumpet of how one day, whether dead or alive, we will all have to give account for our life. At the sound of the trumpet some will wake out of their sleep recalling their character and some will stand knowing their reward. If jesus is not your passover lamb accept him by the holy spirit he calls all to sup with him. It is by his eternal blood we are justified. The Lord poured into my spirit continuously after the trumpet and the ARK vision a bondage breaking revelation. This bondage breaking revelation was of the many nations that are shackled by a idol worshiping spirit. The shackled people know that they are not free ; because the GOD of heaven and earth put in them the gift of the holy spirit. Jesus is the ultimate authority he died on the cross so the world could be saved. The message now is, The spirit will not plead with men always one day all men will be judged; so call out on the lord so he can be found, be free in the name of Jesus. Command with your mouth from your heart that you are free by the blood of Jesus. It is through the pure and Holy passover lamb we are given authority and salvation. Another revelation I received is that God is pouring his healing water and healing water flows from the mountain of God through the land of Africa. God sees the pain and the blood of Africa; and how the enemy would like to destroy the mouth of Africa. Blood flows from the mouth of Africa because of it's injury but God can bring healing and restoration. Ezekiel 35 GOD HEARS all the blasphemes against the mountain of Israel and his covenanted people ; furthermore it says those who choose to be against God's words will be cursed. Ezekiel 36 promises through Jesus God's people will be gathered cleansed and made new.
Josh 3:3 The children of Israel was commanded to follow the priest with the Ark to cross the river Jordan. It was through the Ark of the covenant God's people won battles and walked in God's power. It was promised to man that greater deeds will be done when Jesus our high priest goes to our father in heaven. Through Jesus death the veil in the most holies is torn where the Ark would rest. Now there is no more separation we have full access to God and his power. Amos 9:9 for, lo I will command, and i will sift the house of Israel among all nations,like corn is sift in the sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth. 10. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword...
when I think of the trumpet in my vision were all will have to give account for their life, the scripture becomes alive 1 Thess 4:16 for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead in christ shall rise first.(read above on the trumpet)